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Ever Ancient, Ever New
Rev. Ivan Moody and Paul Barnes lead a Biola Chapel in exploring traditions of early Christian worship. CCCA Fall 2014 Visionary-in-Residence Ivan...
By Paul Barnes & Rev. Ivan Moody

The Artisan Soul
Erwin Raphael McManus discusses creativity & his new book, The Artisan Soul at the Undergraduate Chapel on Sept. 19, 2014. In The Artisan Soul,...
By Erwin McManus

What It Means to be Human
Table Talk Luncheon with Erwin Raphael McManus In The Artisan Soul, Erwin Raphael McManus, author, thought leader, and founder of MOSAIC in Los...
By Erwin McManus

Story of a Cincinnati Sculptor
A metal sculpture titled The Spirit of Christ by artist Tom Tsuchiya was dedicated on September 18, 2014 at the Earl and Virginia Green Art Gallery...
By Tom Tsuchiya & Dan Callis

Ivan Moody, Visionary Fall 2014
Ivan Moody was the Fall 2014 CCCA Visionary-in-Residence. Born in London in 1964, he studied composition with Brian Dennis at London University...

Get to Know Ron Hansen
Award winning author and CCCA Spring 2014 Artist-in-Residence Ron Hansen speaks about the inspiration and purpose of his writings. He explains some...
By Ron Hansen

Emil Nolde Review
The Nolde Exhibition At The Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany From 5 March to 15 June 2014, the Städel Museum devoted a major exhibition to the...
By Duncan Simcoe

City of Light Chapel
Author and CCCA Spring 2014 Artist-in-Residence Bo Caldwell discusses her book, City of Tranquil Light, and her journey as she developed her...
By Bo Caldwell