This chapel feaured the Tegel Passion, writen by N.Lincoln Hanks and performed by
Pepperdine University Chamber Choir under the Direction of Ryan Board, Director of Choral Activities
Dr. John Russell, Soloist
Pepperdine University Chamber Orchestra under the Direction of Tony Cason, Professor of Music & Conductor, Pepperdine University Orchestra

Imprisoned by the Nazis and eventually executed by hanging on April 9, 1945 for his involvement in the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer left this world with the grace and peace of a man who acted decisively upon his Christian faith. This dramatic cantata sets the poetic texts Dietrich composed while awaiting trial in the Tegel military prison. Altogether, his words create an abstract but powerful expression of faith of a man lonely and desperate for justice, yet absolutely confident and at peace with God's ultimate goodness and righteousness. In the six movements we hear Bonhoeffer describe his own terrifying predicament as well as that of his "fellow sufferers," while his mind resolutely awaits "that midnight/In whose fearfully streaming brilliance/The evil perish for anguish/And the good overcome with joy." In the final movement, we eventually hear a high note held long in the cello section signaling Dietrich's execution, but what follows is music of hope and joy that sets his words to the faithful: "flourish Earth... be free." hope and joy that sets his words to the faithful: "flourish Earth... be free."
N. Lincoln Hanks, Composer

A professional singer and composer, N. Lincoln Hanks studied composition at Indiana University with Don Freund, Frederick Fox, and Claude Baker. Mr. Hanks has won the Contemporary Choral Composition Competition from The Roger Wagner Center for Choral Studies, an ASCAP award, and was recently honored as a finalist in the LillyFellows Program Arlin G. Meyer Prize for his dramatic cantata, Tegel Passion. Many distinguished performing artists and groups, including pianist Paul Barnes, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and the Dale Warland Singers, have performed his music internationally. His music has been featured on North/South Concerts, the Cutting EdgeNew Music Festival, and the Piccolo Spoleto Festival. Lincoln directs the composition program at Pepperdine University in Malibu where he holds the position of Blanch E. Seaver Professor of Fine Arts. He has recently completed his second year teaching music composition at Interlochen Summer Arts Camp in Michigan.
Andy Draycott, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies

The reality of being known and loved by God in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, and being bound into creaturely fellowship sustained by the hope of eternal life, fuels Dr Draycott's delight in teaching theology under the authority of Scripture. He comes to Biola having taught Christian Ethics and Theology of Mission in Aberdeen, Scotland. His doctoral study saw him specialize in political theology oriented by mission. This reflects his upbringing in a missionary family in Brazil, as well as eight years college campus ministry in the UK and Portugal. He is passionate about understanding church life and especially preaching as engaged publically for the glory of God and the mission of his Kingdom. Teaching undergraduates across the whole range of disciplines at Biola is a providentially appointed setting for theology that loves the diversity of callings, gifts and mutual ministry in the church. Dr Draycott enjoys time with his family, laughing with friends, cycling and playing soccer, watching cricket and rugby, and reading for pleasure and learning.