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Starry Night
At the Spring 2012 Graduate and BOLD Commencement Ceremony, contemporary artist Makoto Fujimura teaches on the life of painter Vincent van Gogh and...
By Makoto Fujimura

President's Lunch with Trevor Hart
CCCA Fall 2013 Visionary-in-Residence Trevor Hart at the President’s Luncheon, November 4, 2013 Biola University CCCA Visionary-in-Residence, Dr....
By Trevor Hart

Ron Hansen & Bo Caldwell
CCCA's Spring 2104 Visionary-in-Residence authors Ron Hansen and Bo Caldwell are interviewed by Provost David Nystrom at the President's Faculty...
By Ron Hansen & Bo Caldwell

StoryTellers Exhibition Catalog
This exhibition entitled Storytellers in Biola's newly renovated Earl & Virginia Green Art Gallery, features work by contemporary artists who...
By Jeff Rau, Curator

Integration Between the Bible and Art
As part of Biola's 2012 Year of the Arts, artist Makoto Fujimura shares some of his work and offers his perspectives on art and culture. Makoto...
By Makoto Fujimura

Sacred Places, Sacred Space
Nicholas Wolterstorff discusses church architecture from both an artistic and a functional perspective. Joel Kotkin and Wolterstorff facilitate a...
By Nicholas Wolterstorff

Sacred Space in the Wilderness
Dayton Castleman of Trinity Christian College shares some of his work in installations. He shares how he seeks to give viewers a "burning bush"...
By Dayton Castleman

Taking Up Painting for Lent
Lent is characterized by 40 days of intentionally partaking in spiritual disciplines - not just those of abstinence, but of engagement as well....
By Patty Wickman