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Visual Art & Architecture

Violence and Art

From the Violence & Peace in Contemporary Art Symposium Professor Jonathan Anderson introduces the symposium to the discussion of violence and...

By Jonathan A. Anderson

Visual Art & Architecture

Biola BFA Spring 2014 Exhibition Catalog

Spring 2014 B.F.A. Exhibition catalog for Spring 2014 Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) culmination projects shown in The Earl & Virginia Green...

By BFA Students 2014

Visual Art & Architecture
man in straitjacket

Kent A. Butler Reconciles Art & Religion

Kent Anderson Butler's Ten-Year Survey at Kellogg Gallery, Cal Poly / Pomona, CA. | Courtesy of the Artist. There is a storefront space that is...

By Tyler Stallings

Visual Art & Architecture
sculpture of a shark in a tank

What's Going on Today, Part I

Contemporary Arts Trends, Art 315 Assistant Professor of Art, Jonathan Anderson, lectures on the massive breadth of artwork created after the year...

By Jonathan A. Anderson

Visual Art & Architecture

Introducing the Avant-Garde

Contemporary Arts Trends, Art 315 Assistant Professor of Art, Jonathan Anderson, lectures on the avant-garde movement in contemporary art and...

By Jonathan A. Anderson

Poetry & Literature
people in a studio seated at a table

Faith and Fiction

A roundtable discussion about the intersection of faith and fiction with CCCA Spring 2014 Visionaries-in-Residence Ron Hansen and Bo Caldwell....

By Ron Hansen, Bo Caldwell, Haien Park, Lyle Smith & Natasha Duquette

Visual Art & Architecture
man laying on a car

Performance Art & Embodied Belief

Assistant Professor of Art, Jonathan Anderson, lectures on contemporary art as a form of liturgy and embodied belief, discussing how students can...

By Jonathan A. Anderson

Theology & Culture

Lazarus Culture

Noted artist Makoto Fujimura speaks to Biola students on dealing with the worries, stresses, and problems in life with an attitude that Christ is...

By Makoto Fujimura