Talks on Lent by Julie Canlis
Talk 1 of 3: The Origins and Purposes of Lent

Dr. Julie Canlis is a noted theologian whose insights and encouragements regarding Lent are well worth taking the time to listen to. Julie was raised in Seattle, graduating from the University of Washington with a degree in the Comparative History of Ideas. After marrying her childhood sweetheart, Matt, they together pursued graduate studies at Regent College (Vancouver, BC) where she earned a degree in Spiritual Theology. A PhD at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland followed. Her dissertation was published as Calvin’s Ladder (Eerdmans, 2010), which grapples with Calvin’s vision for the way humanity ‘becomes itself’ by participating in Christ. It won the Christianity Today Award of Merit for Theology in 2011.
After finishing her thesis in 2005, Julie stayed at home with their four children while Matt began ministry in the Church of Scotland. In 2007 she won the Templeton Prize for Theological Promise. This led to Templeton lectures throughout the United States as well as in Greece, Hungary, England and Canada. After 13 years of ministry in Scotland the Canlis family returned to the Seattle area where Matt currently pastors the Methlick Parish Church. Julie teaches Sunday School there and in the summer months lectures at Regent College.