Biola's Dean of Spiritual Formation Dr. Todd Pickett discusses the wonder that is brought about by art in all its forms, including film, photography, painting, music, language, writing, and physical acts, and ultimately points students toward the Scriptures as a place to experience wonder.

A native Californian, Todd Pickett has been an English professor for many years and is now Dean of Spiritual Development at Biola University. He has degrees in Classical languages and literature from Stanford University and from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, an M.A. in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care from Biola University, and a Ph.D. in English from the University of California (Irvine). He leads retreats, undertakes group and individual spiritual direction, preaches regularly and speaks frequently to groups on Christian spiritual formation from an evangelical perspective. He lives in Costa Mesa, CA, and is married to Dottie Cox Pickett, a marriage and family therapist.