Dr. Pete Menjares leads a discussion regarding Biola's mural, "The Word," with panelists Jamie Campbell, Brad Christerson, and Dan Callis.

Brad Christerson is associate professor of sociology at Biola University. He has written extensively in the areas of religion, race, ethnicity, and globalization. He is co-author of Growing Up in America: The Power of Race in the Lives of Teens (Stanford University Press, 2010) and Against All Odds: The Struggle of Racial Integration in Religious Organizations (2005, New York University Press).

Dan Callis has been professionally active in the art community since 1983. He exhibits regionally and nationally on an ongoing basis and has had his work included in international exhibitions in England and Italy. He received his MFA from Claremont Graduate University in 1986. On faculty at Biola University since 1987, he has also taught at USC and a number of area community colleges. He currently maintains a studio in downtown Los Angeles. His work is heavily influenced by a social consciousness that informs the subject matter as well as the process. Issues ranging from developmental disabilities, ecological stewardship and faith-based narratives are evidenced in the work on an ongoing basis.

For 16 years, Dr. Pete Menjares served at Biola as a professor in the School of Education, Associate Provost of Diversity Leadership and recently as Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Academic Effectiveness. He recently accepted an appointment as President of Fresno Pacific University. At Fresno Pacific, Menjares provides overall leadership for the university which currently enrolls 1,000 regular undergraduate students, 650 students in a degree completion program, and 680 graduate students. Another 12,000 people participate in continuing education courses and programs over the course of a year. Menjares is a frequent speaker at community and university events, and is active in local civic boards and educational organizations.

Jamie Y. Whitaker Campbell is currently an Assistant Professor of Humanities and Law at the Torrey Honors Institute.