This is an exhibition catalog from a juried group show from April 3 - 26, 2015 at Hibbleton Gallery in Fullerton, CA, featuring artwork by students of the Biola University Art Department.
Featured Artists include: Angelica Nicolle Abalos, Alexis Aquilina, Hannah Brown, Tyler Cash, Leslie Chung, Adrianna Coe, Nathaniel Colbert, Tyler Davis, Rachel Emenaker, Nico Hernandez, Lauren Higgins, Soren Iverson, Melanie Kim, Daniel Lambert, Zechariah Liszewski, Randi Martinez, Kearci Moir, Litt Odom, Melody Phillips, Chris Rasmussen, Lisl Ruckert, Amanda Upp and Jinghua Ye.
Curatorial Team include: Leslie Chung, Jessica Guerra, Haley Hood, Erin Jeffries, Melanie Kim, Alexis Rojas and Jinghua Ye.

Click here to view the catalog.
This compilation of works, created by various art students from Biola University, investigates the influence of spatial awareness, both tangible and intangible. These varying approaches to define Additional Space are expressed through diverse media, displaying the inability to set physical limitations on the concept.
To claim something additional one must assume there is already something in place to add on to. This is a familiar concept, whether it regards the physical or the non-physical - an additional room or an additional thought.
The idea of space however raises the question of environment, relativity and proximity. Wherever we are, we are conscious of our positioning in relation to the environment around us. However, it can also reveal an emotional, social or mental space. It is something we inhabit, seek out, create; it can be inviting, deprived or intimidating.
Adjoining these concepts creates a broad spectrum for the imagination. There is no fixed way to interpret Additional Space. We encourage the viewer to approach these works with a posture of openness.