Sacred Streets is a holistic integration of art and social engagement. The most recent display featured twelve portraits of individuals the artist met on L.A.’s Skid Row, drawn and etched with saint-like symbolism on reclaimed found objects. These portraits were housed in a temporary structure built by artists using discarded street materials. Sacred Streets was first exhibited for one week in the heart of Skid Row. Sacred Streets will continue artistic engagement like this with other artists and diverse expressions on Skid Row and will work to bring this model to impoverished cities around the world. For more information on the project, watch the video below or visit

Jason Leith (’13) recently graduated from Biola and The Torrey Honors Institute with a BFA in drawing and Painting and a minor in Business Administration. He currently leads Ex Creatis Arts Initiative at Saddleback Church and is continually working to bring art to the Skid Row community. For more information about his “Sacred Streets” project, visit